The store is where you can buy products that will enhance your presence and opportunities with MLS Match. These products are completely optional.
The following products are available:
Referral Leader gives you a 24 hour head-start on all inbound market referrals in your area. This means that other agents in your area who have not purchased Referral Leader will not be shown marketplace opportunities until your 24 hour exclusivity period has elapsed, so you can win referrals before the competition even knows they exist! We don’t need to tell you that speed is critical when it comes to referrals, so having the ability to apply early will give you a clear advantage.
Premier boosts your visibility within the platform so that you appear at the top of the list of all agents when a potential partner is looking at placing a referral in your market. It also boosts your visibility in the Professional Directory by placing you at the front of search results. So in any situation when someone is searching for a potential referral partner, your profile will be at the top of the search giving you an immediate and lasting advantage.
Custom Translations enables you to make your profile truly international by translating your profile into your language(s) of choice. Perhaps you work in a market where clients typically speak another language, or maybe you’re looking for international opportunities from clients abroad - translate your profile to make you stand out, show that you care and that you bring a skill that others in your market don’t have.
Referral Leader gives you a 24 hour head-start on all inbound market referrals in your area. This means that other agents in your area who have not purchased Referral Leader will not be shown marketplace opportunities until your 24 hour exclusivity period has elapsed, so you can win referrals before the competition even knows they exist! We don’t need to tell you that speed is critical when it comes to referrals, so having the ability to apply early will give you a clear advantage.
You can buy Premier or Referral Leader as stand alone products of combine the two for a winning combination and put you ahead of all competition in your market.